1) Accumulation
As we get older, our cells are exposed to more stress, and we start accumulating damaged cells.
2) Damage Surrounding Cells
Sometimes, these damaged cells stop dividing and turn into senescent (zombie) cells - they refuse to die, but stick around and release toxic chemicals that damage surrounding cells. This can become a downward cycle and lead to disease.
3) Immune Response
In some instances, our immune systems can destroy senescent cells. However, as we age, more and more senescent cells build up and are not naturally killed by our immune systems. These senescent cells can then cause serious damage to other cells and lead to disease.
4) Senolytic Agents
Senolytic Agents are certain types of compounds (such as the Piperlongumine in our Fermented Long Pepper Extract) that target specific senescent cells and destroy them, allowing our cells to revert back to their natural, healthy conditions.